Best 30 Self-Love Affirmations For Anyone - Cotton Plus Cream

Best 30 Self-Love Affirmations For Anyone

Daily affirmations are a great way to keep yourself centered in a positive mindset. Taking the time to speak positivity to and about yourself out loud can work wonders for your overall mental health… However, it can be difficult to know what to say; and it can even feel a bit awkward.


That’s why I’ve put together a varied list of thirty self-love affirmations for anyone to use! The best time to work on these is at the beginning of each day, to help clear your mind of negativity and put yourself into a positive mindset.


Let’s get into the affirmations now, and you can use this list every day as is—or use it to come up with your very own affirmations for whatever you may need!



  1. I am more than enough.
  2. Today is going to be a good day.
  3. I will not dwell on any negativity today.
  4. There is peace in my heart, and clarity in my mind.
  5. I can achieve all of my goals for today.
  6. Nobody has the authority to steal my joy, or disrupt my peace.
  7. I am capable of greatness.
  8. I am intelligent.
  9. I am glad to be alive.
  10. Growth is possible today and every day.
  11. I am proud of myself.
  12. I will be able to solve any problem that comes my way today.
  13. Stress and anxiety will not rule my mind today.
  14. I am stronger than I think I am.
  15. I have a courageous heart.
  16. No matter what happens, I am in control of how I respond.
  17. I can make my dreams come true.
  18. Nothing can hold me back unless I allow it.
  19. I am my biggest fan and cheerleader.
  20. Other’s opinions don’t change who I am, or how I see myself.
  21. I am allowed to say no when I need to.
  22. My boundaries are important, and I will not compromise them.
  23. I believe in myself.
  24. I am thankful for today.
  25. I am growing and learning from every experience.
  26. I am fearless, and nothing can stop me.
  27. I can and will choose to see the good in all things.
  28. I love myself unconditionally.
  29. Success is within my grasp—I just need to take it.
  30. I respect my feelings, and I can express them in healthy ways.

I hope these thirty self-love affirmations for anyone can help you maintain a positive mindset throughout your everyday life.

Try keeping them on your phone, or taping them to your bathroom mirror, for a daily dose of self-love and inspiration!


Check out these affirmation t-shirts.



Make sure to subscribe to be part of the #cozycrew  and get a special offer for removable affirmation decals to place on any mirror as a daily reminder of how worthy you are! 

xo - Shontelle 

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